Triple Chocolate Snowstorm

empty glass of Triple Chocolate Snowstorm with spoon
Are you growing weary of the constant barrage of chocolate inspired recipes? Me neither! This is another yummy recipe from Pat Crocker's The Smoothies Bible (2003). The recipe calls for chocolate milk, and to keep from going overboard on fat and calories, I would substitute a low calorie alternative like Silk Light Chocolate. It has only 90 calories, whereas regular chocolate milk can be around 226 calories per serving. With that in mind, the best light chocolate frozen yogurt is Edy's/Dreyer's® Slow Churned® Rich & Creamy Chocolate Ice Cream. Per scoop, it is only 100 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. Now you can enjoy Triple Chocolate Snowstorm without guilt, and the name just sounds so decadent...

Triple Chocolate Snowstorm

Serves 1 or 2
  • 1 cup chocolate milk (substitute Silk Light Chocolate)
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder or carob powder
  • 1 tbsp liquid honey
  • 1 cup chocolate frozen yogurt or ice cream (Edy's/Dreyer's Slow Churned)
In blender, combine chocolate milk, cocoa powder, honey, and frozen yogurt. Process as directed until smooth. Serve immediately with a spoon.